5-star rating in Dermatest, well known for strict criteria and rigorous experimental procedures, ensuring high reliability.
Safety and effectiveness verified by P&K Skin Clinical Research Center, a specialized human application research lab, top clinical trial center in Korea.
Completely excluded harmful preservatives for the skin.
Utilizing naturally derived and amino-acid based cleansing ingredients without sulfates, acidic balance of PH 4.5~5.5, healthiest range for hair.
Natural color and texture inherent in ingredients without the use of synthetic pigment, thickener, or silicon.
Made with over 89% natural or naturally derived ingredients.
Applicating Lediffers independently developed natural effective ingredients by completely excluding chemical components, enabling comprehensive hair care including damaged hair, dandruff, and scalp concerns.
AHA and BHA ingredients care for dry scalp flakes by moisturizing. The toxicity of medicinal herbs has been reduced while enhancing efficacy through extraction/ fermentation methods.
Providing natural ingredients to the scalp for purification, soothing, and irritation relief creating a healthy scalp environment.
Activating beneficial microbes on the skin to enhance the effectiveness of ingredients.
Minimal skin irritation and maintaining. moisture and oil balance making it suitable for sensitive skin.
Containing high concentrations of ingredients beneficial for scalp improvement, for a healthy scalp and hair loss improvement.
While chemical components release many chemicals during the manufacturing process, using natural ingredients is a sustainable production method.
Contains a large amount of biotin (vitamin B) making hair thick and full. Rich in protein similar to amino acid structure of hair.
Contains a large amount of biotin (vitamin B) making hair thick and full. Rich in protein similar to amino acid structure of hair.
Fermented once at low temperature, once at high temperature.
Fermented once at high temperature, once at low temperature.